Use the search tools below to give you more information about any archaeological or historic features on your holding that would benefit from management under Countryside Stewardship (CS).
Please enter the relevant National Heritage List for England reference (e.g. 1006905) or SHINE unique identifier (e.g. CB8000 - login required) as shown on your Environmental Information Map or HEFER or search by postcode to locate the area of interest.
When applying to Countryside Stewardship (CS) you must include any land parcel(s) containing scheduled monuments in your application with appropriate CS management options or your application will be rejected. Where the site is not currently in good condition, you must choose options and/or capital items to improve its condition, unless there are no suitable grants available. For scheduled monuments already in good condition, you should choose grants to maintain the monument in that condition.
Use the Countryside Stewardship Grants Finder or the Farming the Historic Landscape brochures for arable and grassland for some helpful guidance on what options may be suitable for managing these features, or contact RPA on or telephone 03000 200 301 (Opening times: 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday).
For guidance about designated heritage assets (scheduled monuments, registered parks and gardens and registered battlefields) consult your Historic England local office, and for more information about SHINE features speak to your local authority historic environment service.